Personal Training

personal trainersWelcome to the Functional Training Collective, we are a group of fitness professionals that are looking to bring the benefits of Functional Personal Training to you, at home.

At Functional Training Collective we take all aspects of your life into consideration to ensure that exercise and nutrition plans are exactly right for you. Whether it be rehabilitation, a sport specific goal, or simply getting the best from your body, Functional Training Collective works with your lifestyle and your body to help you achieve the results that you are looking for. We offer online support and regular assessments as well as home workouts to keep you motivated along the way.

We come to you and can train you at your home or workplace or even outside locations to suit you. We understand that starting something new can be intimidating, thats where we come in. With our vast experience and expertise, our trainers will guide you, educate you and motivate you throughout your training with us.

Personal training can help in a number of ways, whether it be weight loss, rehabilitation, preparing for an event or simply to build confidence, we can support and guide you. Everyone has different goals and different needs, our aim is to get you excited about training and realise your full potential. Together, we will achieve more.

How It Works

Stage 1

Please complete our booking form and a Functional Training Collective representative will contact you to arrange the next step of your journey

Stage 2

We conduct a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis and a Fitness Assessment at a location of your choice. If you have opted for our nutrition package, you will also meet with our in-house Nutritional Advisor. We then evaluate all data, create your bespoke plan and assign the Personal Trainer who is best placed to help you achieve your goals.

Stage 3

Meet your Personal Trainer for an initial session where further evaluation takes place. Your schedule of session days and times can then be agreed and booked.

Stage 4

Begin your journey! Depending on your choice of training package you will continue to have support through FTC including regular Bodystat analysis and fitness assessments as well as nutrition advice.

Pay Monthly

We offer 3 different pay monthly options for your personal training sessions. There is a minimum 3 month term, which you agree to enter into when purchasing any monthly sessions.

4 Sessions

4 personal training sessions over a 1 month period.


8 Sessions

8 personal training sessions over a 1 month period.


12 Sessions

12 personal training sessions over a 1 month period.


Block Booking

With the block booking option you can book up to 12 sessions (minimum usage of one PT session per week).

Single Session

Pay as you go for personal training sessions.


6 Sessions

A block booking of 6 sessions to help you on the road to a fitter, healthier you.


12 Sessions

A block booking of 12 sessions to enhance your fitness and wellbeing.



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Enquiry type *

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